Historic Ipswich
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Home to more 1st period homes than anywhere else in the country!
One of the first descriptions of Ipswich was made by Captain John Smith in 1614 - a description which is still appropriate today: "...there are many sands at the entrance of the Harbour... Here are many rising hills, and on their tops and descents are many corn fields and delightful groves... plain marsh ground, fit for pasture, or salt ponds. There is also Oakes, Pines, Walnuts, and other wood to make this place an excellent habitation, being a good and safe harbor."
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Town of Ipswich website: ipswichma.gov
Ipswich Visitor Center: ipswichvisitorcenter.org
Historic Ipswich MA: historicipswich.net
Ipswich Visitor Center: ipswichvisitorcenter.org
Historic Ipswich MA: historicipswich.net